If life hates you like it hates me, then you were also born needing glasses. All the beautiful people skipping about without things sliding down their nose…all the rich folks using futuristic lasers to fit in with the beautiful…and the rest of us stuck being four eyes. But companies like Warby Parker have turned the tables and made us the belle of the ball. And Waltmanco is providing the perfect accessory! They’re even offering you a discount on their amazing ties. So take a minute and check out my interview with the man who married function and style to bring something new and beautiful to the tie game.
So I ask this of everyone, where did the name WaltmanCo come from?
The simple answer is that my last name is Waltman. But the story behind is that it started out as Tommies Ties because I started it with my cousin Tom. Then we got a letter from Tommy Hilfiger’s attorney asking us to change the name. So, we did.
Your ties are unique, they contain a microfiber cloth on the back. So, where were you when you came up with that idea?
The idea came up a few years ago while on vacation in Sun Valley, Idaho with several of my cousins. We wanted to try something new, and this seemed like a simple enough idea to do.
You launched through Kickstarter, tell us about that experience.
That was the very start of it all, and we weren’t sure how committed we would be to the idea. In hindsight, we should have spent a lot more time preparing for the Kickstarter campaign than we did. For the amount of time we put into it, though, it went very well, and we received good exposure.

So you’re a genius, as far as I’m concerned, do you agree with my assessment?
I wish I could agree, but I’m afraid it’s just not true. Actually, I do think the idea for the ties with microfiber lining was genius, but that came from my cousin!
Your ties aren’t just functional; they’re also quite fashionable. So, were you a fashion guy from the start or more of a technical guy?
I’m definitely not a fashionable guy, so it’s a good thing I’ve partnered with my sister Katie. She’s a jewelry designer, and has an amazing eye for fashion. She has more of an influence on the designs than I do.

You are a family business, so who’s in charge of naming the ties?
This has been a team effort. We don’t really do a lot of research or anything. We pick up the tie and blurt out the first thing that comes to mind and see what sticks.
One of your ties is named Mugatu. Is that from where I think it’s from?
Yes! I had already come up with a different name for that tie, but my younger brother made a special request to name it Mugatu. It’s turned out to be one of our most popular designs.
Will you ever make the move to microfiber pocket squares or do you think you’ll just stick with ties?
Our concept is making ordinary things more useful. We actually have ideas for several different “ordinary” products such as wallets that we’d like to improve on. Pocket squares would probably make a lot of sense.

And now Five Signature Questions with Christian:
Who is your Favorite Superhero or Villain?
I’m not sure if this fits the category, but I’ve always really liked King Kong and Godzilla. The recent movies of these are especially cool with the new CGI technologies!
Who wins in a fight Batman or Superman?
In any normal situation, it would have to be Superman. Is there really any question?
Which Star Wars Character would you be?
Don’t know. Yoda had some awesome skill in the more recent ones. And he lived a long time. So maybe him.
What’s your Favorite cereal of all time?
Probably Reese’s Puffs.
Are your dirty clothes on the floor or in the hamper, right now?
Probably both, but usually in the hamper.